Library Profile


Library is a heart of the any institution. Teaching and learning systems are supported by library through reading material. SJVPM B.Ed. college library has established in 2007 for students as well as for faculty members. Library is well equipped with total collection 4553 books, consist of some reference books, B.Ed. textbooks and periodicals. The housekeeping operations are partially automated through VRIDDHI library software. Recently the library has taken subscription of DELNET (Database for eBooks & e-journals), there are 206+ e-journals for ‘education’ through which teachers & students can access & download many e-resources in respective subject. The login details of DELNET are shared with students & faculty members and also displayed on notice board.


VISION: Promote access to library resources, facilities and services needed by members of the
Higher education community for successful pursuit of academic programs and research activities.

MISSION: User satisfaction through quality service.

OBJECTIVES: To assist the users in upgrading their knowledge /information/ skills in making proper use of Library resources and services.

  • To give timely quality services and information.
  • To provide effective and efficient services.
  • Enable faculty members, students and other users of the library to become better informed in their fields of specialization.
  • To promote the reading habits among students.   Extensive use of reading material.
  • To support teaching –learning process by providing necessary learning resources.
  • To provide every reader his/her reading material.


  • Identity Card and Library Cards are compulsory for availing the library facility.
  • Two books will be issued to the students for 7 days and 5 books for one academic year are issued to the Staff Members.
  • 2 Rs fine per day per book will be charged for overdue of library books.
  • Uses of cell phones, eatables, water bottles etc. is strictly prohibited in the library.
  • Any loss of books should be immediately reported to the librarian and the matter be settled within 10 days by either replacing the books or by paying double the price of the book.
  • Student on leave must arrange for the return of books in time.
  • Books issued from the library must be kept very carefully and in no case be underlined or disfigured. If the book is already damaged in any form, it should be brought to the notice of the Librarian before getting the book issued, otherwise, the person who returns the book will be held responsible for the damage.
  • Reference books, rare books and periodicals shall not be issued except for consultation in the Library premises.
  • Students must carry their Identity Card with them whenever they enter the College Library.
  • Students are expected to read the Notice issued from time to time by the Principal/Librarian. No excuse will be entertained for ignorance.
  • Students are expected to observe perfect silence in the Reading Room and not disturb others in any way.
  • College Leaving Certificates or Transfer Certificates will be issued only after the clearance of all Library dues.


Working days, during examination, pre examination days.10.00am to 5:00pm
Reading Room10.00am to 5.30pm


Sr no.CategoryNo of books issueLoan period
110.00am to 5:00pm28 Days
2Closed530 Days
310.00am to 5.30pm28 Days


1Dr. Kothawade P LChairman
2Asst. Prof. Jawalikar A DMember
3Asst. Prof. Mali S KMember
4Asst. Prof. Shinde S PMember
5Asst. Prof. Papal A RMember
6Asst. Prof. Shitole R PMember
7Asst. Prof. Sakunde A YMember
8Asst. Prof. Rathod R BMember
9Asst. Prof. Khade S AMember
10Asst. Prof. Sarkalwad D DSecretary


1Dhanshri Devidas SarkalwadLibrarianNET,MLIS,BSC


  • Home lending service
  • Reference service
  • OPAC
  • Reading Room
  • User Orientation
  • Information display & notification
  • Periodicals
  • University syllabus
  • University question papers


Library is partially automated using VRIDDHI library management software developed by VRIDDHI SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS PVT.LTD. Malegaon, Nashik (M.S). From 2023.
All the books have a bar code. As library is partially automated right now issue return is done manually by book card system.

To set up separate library building
To make available web OPAC
To spread awareness about e-resources among the users.
To make digitization of rare books.